Image of the simple pine barn door with black hardware in the new man cave. Here is a closer view of the barn door Norbert created to cover a storage closet. The overall look of the carpentry in this house and project is upscale rustic. So the panels have not been sanded and planed perfectly flush to obtain that look.

A light hard oil was applied to the pine panels to keep the golden look of the pine. And to keep the look matching that of the rough sawn lumber used in this room. We are lucky enough to have a good source of locally milled lumber, which we buy well in advance to allow to proper drying. We know the miller well and know also that he works within the area not stripping the lands, but working with the Forest Service to maintain proper forest management. He actually takes trees now and again from a few miles up the road from our home.

The black hardware for these doors was a good choice  – providing a nice contrast to the light pine, we ll were happy with the results.