This image features the new roof with rubberized membrane roofing. the sun tunnels can also be seen in the smaller portion of the add-on (we love these as they give off a great amount of light and are a sleek design). The rubberized paint plus fabric system is used quite often in other Southwestern states., especially Arizona. We find not many homes local to Santa Fe use the system, but we love the performance and ease of application and how durable it is. The process is such that rubberized paint is applied, then a fabric is pushed onto the drying paint while another coat applied. One more coat of the rubberized paint, and then a final coat of compatible paint for a final tint makes for a roof that will last for years. Owners simply need add a new coat of paint once wear shows in about 5 years to be on the safe side. We use the rubberized paint for many other applications, such as triple protection on any roof penetrations, before and after standard methods are applied. We love the product and use it whenever we need extra water protection on both foundation details and roofing.
new roof with rubberized membrane roofing