Custom water catchment gutter is shown here. When developing the water catchment system for this home-the only water source -Norbert designed this deep, wide gutter to maximize flow into the storage tanks. Creating this custom profile with our roofer who has the capacity to create whatever we need, was a clever way to not only catch copious amounts of water, but it hides the gutter system completely from below. A clean, clutter free solution and one we will no doubt use again and again.

The decision to use water catchment for the main water source for this off-grid house is a sensible one. Water supplies and aquifers in New Mexico are under constant strain and potential drought conditions are always looming. Catchment takes advantage of the heavy rainfalls – and this 9000 gallon system will fill quickly when such quick flash rains occur. Reports following the completion of this project are that with one simply rain storm, 900 gallons pour quickly into the filtration and top off the tanks. Over time, if need be the system could be modified should conditions shift dramatically, but for now, everything is working well.