Copper metal roofing is shown here. While this propanel styled metal roofing has only a copper coating and is not made of copper, we find the look to be a very nice one. This just over 1500 sq. ft. home has a simple shed roof, perfect for rain catchment, it’s only water source. As the house is located in a bit of an arid and flatter landscape area, it was important to design a water catchment system which would gather as much water as possible during the few days it does rain, or snow. Certain areas in and around Santa Fe and north do receive more rain and snow than others, mostly due to their proximity to mountains and cloud formations. While this home is near some southern mountains, the area in general is often hotter and dryer than areas further north. We needed to keep all of this in mind when making sure there was enough water to be had for comfortable living and daily use. There is often in areas where digging wells is not possible, or undesirable due to intense depths required – to have water trucked in. But paying for water when it can be caught, filtered and used, is the best and most practical long term and sustainable option.
copper metal roofing