An image of this unique, just add-water mix of sage green earthen plaster found onsite on this particular project. We rarely (only twice, ever) find clay mixes that have enough fiber and sand matter in them in their natural form. We usually will supplement with sand and fiber, but with this mix, when tested, it held up well.
We will say it was a bit challenging to apply and did not perform like our usual clay mixes, but it was worth the extra work. The color is truly gorgeous. We also were able to use in this walkway, white clay found near the job site with which to plaster the arched ceiling.
This is one case where the elegant look of earthen plasters really shines. The walls have a velvety, soft look which is fabulous and unlike other plasters in our mind.
We experimented later on with this clay mixture and used to for a clay paint alis in a small area. It worked extremely well and was much easier to apply that the plaster mix. Now we know!